local global has developed and realised concepts for publications and events in numerous cooperations. Our clients and partners include renowned organisations and companies.

HANNOVER MESSE, Global Business & Markets 1998 – 2023:
Meeting Point for Global Players
The tasks at our historical partner since our foundation in 1998 have been manifold: concept and co-organisation of business conferences, solicitation of exhibitors, partners and sponsors, development of joint service packages for sponsors and exhibitors, editing and production of the Global Business Magazine as well as delivery of web content and content for the press relations and newsletters of the world’s largest industrial fair.
InterGest 2005-2022
The art of being local worldwide
With the trust company Intergest Worldwide, present in 52 locations worldwide, we have jointly published investment guides for numerous countries, a city guide for business travellers and export manuals tailored to SMEs.
CIIPA 2021-2023
Confidence in a common future
CIIPA’s annual reports examined opportunities for industrial cooperation. We again conducted and edited numerous interviews with leading corporates from China and Germany for this purpose.

Deutsche Messe Technology Academy since 2019
Fit for the industrial future
With its global production technology network, the Deutsche Messe Technology Academy ensures industrial knowledge transfer worldwide. We have been supporting the Technology Academy’s communication and global content marketing since 2018 We have also been conducting joint online events since 2020.
Landesmesse Stuttgart: GlobalConnect 2008 – 2022
New markets for small and medium-sized enterprises
A partnership with Landesmesse Stuttgart since the start of the event in 2008: advising the organisers, helping with marketing, producing the conference magazine in print and online, organising an exhibitor forum – and also helping with the Global Connect Award for the most successful internationalisation concepts.

Partner countries of HANNOVER MESSE since 2005
Global stage of industrial policy
The partner countries comprehensively present their industrial capabilities. We actively supported many of them in communication:
- Organisation of conferences and workshops (Russia, India).
- Production of catalogue magazines with programme and presentation of exhibitors/community stands (Russia, India, Turkey, Italy, Netherlands)
- Press work, newsletter social media (Italy, Netherlands)
- Presentation of economic policy and industrial clusters (Mexico, Poland)
- Documentation of the partner country presentations

Chambers of Industry and Commerce, DIHK, Chambers of Commerce Abroad
Worldwide network as partners
local global has often worked together with the network of German Chambers of Commerce Abroad, the DIHK and numerous Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Germany: historically in the communication of the first consultation days and the Latin America conferences, but particularly closely for many years at HANNOVER MESSE. Founder Hans Gäng is a member of the Foreign Trade Committee of the Stuttgart Region Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI)
Market information for small and medium-sized enterprises
Since its foundation, local global has cooperated with Germany Trade & Invest – starting with the online edition of the “Foreign Trade News until 2005 and not least with the publication and distribution of GTAI country supplements for HANNOVER MESSE and CeBIT (2009-2018).

CeBIT 2009-2016
Discover IT resources worldwide
In the “Flat World Forum 2009-2011”, then in the “International Business Area”: Together with Deutsche Messe, we made international IT cooperation and nearshoring a topic. We developed a programme for this and presented it in the catalogue magazine. We supported joint participations from Italy, France, Poland, Romania, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Brazil and Bulgaria in their international marketing.

Deutsche Messe AG: Metropolitan Solutions 2015-2016
Create better cities!
The aim of this conference fair, which took place recently in Berlin, was to discuss and present concepts and technologies of smart and sustainable urbanisation. We edited the conference magazine and contributed our own workshop on the topic of smart cities.

edubiz at learntec, didacta, Global Connect: since 2010
Developing skills – creating future
Qualification in internationally active companies has been our topic since 2010. We have created the edubiz brand for this and held our own conferences – in cooperation with didacta e.V., Messe Karlsruhe, at GlobalConnect at Messe Stuttgart. Messe Karlsruhe, at the GlobalConnect of Messe Stuttgart and were also active internationally with events in Florence and Budapest.

Bremen: German Foreign Trade Day 1999 – 2014
Meeting place for German foreign trade
For a long time, this event was the most important conference event for German foreign trade nationwide. Our task here was also the production of catalogue and programme magazines.

Koelnmesse: Asia-Pacific-Sourcing, Spoga-gafa
Target market Germany
Organisation of conferences and workshops, content marketing activities: this is how we supported the appearance of international exhibitors (China, Italy) from very different sectors on the German market.

VDA: autoworld Germany
Innovations and markets
One of our most exciting projects: From 2007 – 2012, the English-language magazine “autoworld Germany”, developed together with the VDA, showed how the German automotive supply industry contributes internationally to innovation and sustainability in the sector.
VBI: International Directory
From ideas to reality
The International Directory for the Association of Consulting Engineers was an English-language service directory of German architects, planners and consulting firms and presented projects worldwide.

AUMA, UFI, AFIDA: “Exhibitin Markets”
Trade fairs make markets worldwide
In cooperation with the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA) and the World Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI), we have published a book series entitled “Exhibition Markets”, which presents the rapid development of new trade fair locations worldwide: CEE, China, Latin America.

Health Industry Export Initiative (GTAI, ZVEI, VBI, Spectaris)
Health – Made in Germany
Catalogue magazines in English, Spanish and Portuguese and one of the first ever virtual trade fairs have supported the international communication of German suppliers from the healthcare industry.

Business Baden-Württemberg, Niedersachsen global:
Marketing for top German locations
For the Ministries of Economic Affairs in Stuttgart and Hanover, we provided concept, editing, production and distribution of English-language magazines: two issues per year each, which presented industrial policy, clusters, companies, education and quality of life in the two federal states.

Metro AG 2017 -2019
Start-ups in the gastronomy sector
In cooperation with the international retail giant METRO, we developed and marketed books on the ecosystem and innovations in the food and hospitality sector. Berlin Partner gave us strong support in presenting the capital.